How is The Price of Commercial Cleaning Calculated?

office inside
Image by hufse via Flickr

You have called a commercial cleaning company to give you a quote or you are a commercial cleaning looking for a way to price your cleaning job. How is a price reached? When it comes to pricing a commercial cleaning project, these factors play a role:

1) Detail

How detailed do you want the cleaning company to be? Do you need your desks, phones and computers sanitized? Do you have windows and glass throughout your building that require weekly maintenance? Depending on the level of detail you that you need, will decide cost factors on your quote. If you have requested a very detailed clean but are price conscious, ask the cleaning company for 2 quotes. One detailed and one less detailed.

2) Times per Week

The majority of offices have cleaners come in once per week. This helps to support the cleanliness level of their building, offices, washrooms and garbages. If you need nightly cleaning done, this will cost considerably more.

3) Specialty Requests

This will not affect most office buildings. Grocery stores, department stores and schools all have maintenanced floor schedules. Specialty requests, such as nightly rotational auto scrubbing and quarterly waxing of floors to enhance the quality and look of show room floors is very time-consuming and costly. Ensure that your cleaners are doing as per your contract agreement.

4) Spring Clean

A spring clean is a year and sometime a bi yearly overall clean of your establishment. It can include walls, baseboards, interior and exterior windows, carpet steaming and shelving. The space and current cleanliness level will decide the cost to have these cleaning services done. The before and after effect of this service is usually very dramatic.

When receiving quotes from various companies a word of caution, is to be wary of super cheap cleaning quotes. Several businesses that have chosen us as their office cleaning company, complained of their last cleaners aka the super cheap quote. We were told that they did little or no cleaning during the time they spent “cleaning”. An easy way to solve this is to follow-up with concerns to prevent any future disturbances.

Your agreement with your cleaning company should be detailed in the outlining of the agreed services. If not, have them re-write the agreement stating exactly the services they agree to perform for you. If grievances arise this will come in very handy.

Enjoy your commercial cleaning shopping experience and if you have a company in Saskatoon, please email or call us so that we can give you a cleaning quote.


Scrub Masters Commercial Cleaning

How is The Price of Commercial Cleaning Calculated?

How To Choose The Right Commercial Cleaner for Your Business

"Cleaning the toilet" (95/365)
Image by kalavinka via Flickr

When choosing a commercial cleaning company, the most common factors that people base their decisions on, do not always lead to the right cleaning company for your business. The two most common are:

We all want to pay nothing for something. There are two risk factors when you base your decision solely on the cheapest bid to cross your desk:

  • Quality of work.
  • Actual cleaning being done.

Friend of an employee is another avenue often travelled. The two risk factors here are:

  • Insurance (they usually do not have any)
  • They are usually looking to quit doing this, once they find a “job”.

When choosing your commercial cleaner there are some important things to look for:

1. Walk Through

Before receiving any type of cleaning or advice from a company, they need to see your place of business. This is important because every company has a slightly different cleaning need. If you are quoted a price over the phone, you may notice that you receive an impersonal cleaning package or service. A walk through of your business, as you state your cleaning requests helps the cleaning company to focus on what is important to you. This takes a little of your time but in the long run, you will be more satisfied with the cleaning that is taking place.

2. Detailed Quote

After your walk through, the commercial cleaner should send you a quote, detailing their list of duties and their proposed price. The more detailed the better, this helps to insure that there are no discrepancies down the road.

3. Insurance.

Do they carry it? More than likely there will never be a reason to use it, but if something ever happens on the premise of your business with your cleaning company, you do not want to be held liable in any way. Insurance feels like a waste of money right up until the point that you need it.

4. Guarantee.

What is theirs?  Cleaning is not a job that requires tons of brain power, I am limited to see that many jobs really do BUT when the cleaning company leaves your place of business and you are not satisfied with what they promised and the job they are doing, how are they willing to correct the situation? What do they guarantee you?

Choosing a commercial cleaning company is usually a task not eagerly pursued, but if you are looking for a company that will be a part of your team and your company’s vision, these guidelines will serve you well.


How To Choose The Right Commercial Cleaner for Your Business

Different Cleaning Requests

Office After 4b
Image by ChrisL_AK via Flickr

If you are thinking of hiring a commercial cleaner for your business, here are the kinds of cleaning services generally offered:

1. Janitorial Services

This is a service, based primarily on flooring, washrooms, garbages and front window cleaning. This is the least expensive in terms of upkeep. The brunt of the cost will come when you have speciality floors requests, such as refinishing and burnishing. If you have an office space, where the employees are responsible for their own work stations, but would like to have a professional service for the janitorial work, this is the quote you should ask for.

2. Detail Office Cleaning

This service is the same as the janitorial service, without the specialty floor care. Detail office cleaning should include sanitizing work spaces, such as desks, phones and keyboard. Generally businesses that are busier or place a higher importance on the look and feel of their office space will choose this cleaning option.

3. Window Cleaning

Some businesses, have their employees clean the interior of their business but hire a professional for the interior and exterior of their windows. Clean windows give a business a fresh look and appeal.

4. Non-contractual Services

Several restaurants hire a commercial cleaning service to have their floors scrubbed and their carpets steamed. Some businesses set up an agreement for every 3 months, while others prefer to call in the service when things are looking dirty or prior to an inspection.

5. Shelving and Product Dusting

Most showroom areas and product shelving are maintained by the employees but some businesses contract this work out. It is a general dusting and cleaning of the product shelves and can include merchandise as well.

Every business has a unique cleaning need, make sure that you have the best set up for your company’s requirements.

Different Cleaning Requests

What Do You Train For?

vision: it's not just black and white
Image by windsordi (travelling and offline 'til May23) via Flickr

When you hire a new employee, what do you train them for?

  • The Job Position.

This is the most common and in my opinion very limiting both for the hire and the employer. When we train for the job position, we create a narrow scope and the opinion that “this is what I do and anything outside of this you need to speak to…”. You will have a couple of super star employees that will have the next promotion or two in mind, but for the most part you are creating a wheel clog. I am sure that if you peruse your mind for a customer service example you will be overloaded with tasteful memories of this type of employee. Is there a better way to train?

Training for your culture is another option. This is when you assume that your hire has done the job before and knows the position. Usually they impressed you with their résumé credentials and you can skip directly to the who’s who and what’s what around your company. This type of training is good, if you are looking to keep things EXACTLY as they are in your company. Is there a better way?

  • The Company Vision.

Remember that handbook that was created when the company began, back in 1902? Don’t use that one. You know the business plan you have for the next year, next 5 and the next 10-25, use THAT. When hiring a new employee a great way to empower them to help your company grow and to shape the future of it is to train them for your company vision. A powerful way to do this is from the first interview. When you train for vision you will attract an employee that thinks bigger and will be performing his job position with the bigger picture in mind.

Hiring new employees is time-consuming and if done best can create a team that grows together to create a powerful structure. Hire wisely, but train wiser.

What Do You Train For?

5 Ways to Create a Cleaner Office

Clean Office
Image by BenjaminThompson via Flickr

A super clean office is one of the best feelings, and although a little time-consuming, it is easy to do and will make you feel better about your work and your day.

1. Look Down

An important first step in creating a super clean office is the get rid of the clutter in your space. Start with your floors, are there any items that you can trash, transfer to storage (worry about tidying this later), or give away (not to the person sitting in the office next to you). Do this, do this now, I will sit here and wait.

2. Sit Down

A clean office space, will help you to create a clear thinking mind. Look at your desk space, is it piled with papers that need to find a new home because you are on a super office clean mission? File them, either in your trash can, filing cabinet or your desk tray. Do not let the papers pile, they will haunt your thoughts. If your desk has a collection of items from over the years, now is the time to let things go. Keep relevent and needed items.

3. Clean it Up

If you do not have a cleaner (call us) OR grab some microfiber cloths, soapy water, disinfectant wipes and window cleaner. Wipe down your keyboard, phone, computer, desk, filing cabinet, any shelving, the handles and base of your chair, window sills, windows, your pictures, door handle and door. Next vaccum or wash your floors. This may seem overly detailed but it feels great to work in a clean environment.

4. Aromatherapy

I have mixed thoughts on these items, as I have been sprayed in the face with an automated contraption which I did not find therapeutic. Fragrance can plug your sinuses and create itchy eyes, if you buy highly perfumed ones. That being said, there are scents that create a great feeling and smell super fresh. Find a smell that you love and bring that into your office space.

5. Greenery

Plants create oxygen, which is important because we like to breathe. Flowers and plants can decorate and give some life to your work space.

Cleaner is better, and super clean is best. If you have a super clean office and have some other tips please list them.

5 Ways to Create a Cleaner Office

Why Hire a Commercial Cleaning Company?-Saskatoon

Browsers Cafe
Image by Jordon via Flickr

There are several reasons not to hire a commercial cleaner.

  • It is cheaper to do the work yourself.
  • You can always have your employees do the cleaning.
  • You place is very dirty and it is a little embarrassing to have anyone come in and clean it.
  • It will take too much of your valuable time to set up a cleaning service.

All of these are good reasons not to hire a cleaner. But there is a cost in doing so. And the cost is time. Hiring a cleaner for your business allows you to:

  • Focus on growing your business.
  • Use your time to finish the zillion things that are on your list.
  • Feel pride, as an owner or manager. Having a cleaning company puts your company a step above its current level, as only successful company`s or ones with a clear vision use them.
  • Keeps germ levels down. Good cleaning company`s will properly disinfect your office building, which will lower the rate of illness spreading through.
  • Have your employees focus on their jobs related to improving your bottom line.
  • Ensure that your insurance remains lower, as hiring an insured cleaning company means that you do not have to give benefits.
  • Have a clean business with less of the cost of hiring an extra employee.

Hiring a commercial cleaner is a personal choice based on priorities and time. Every company boasts their own list of specialities and core competencies. If you are wanting to grow your business to a new level, and you do not have a cleaner at the moment, you should look into getting some quotes. You will see that they are reasonably priced and save you a ton of time and work.

If you are located in Saskatoon and office detail cleaning is of importance to you, please feel free to contact us through our web page at Scrub Masters Commercial Cleaning.

Why Hire a Commercial Cleaning Company?-Saskatoon

7 Ideas for Putting The Spring Back in Your Employees Step!

Cubicle fun:  I've fallen and I can't get up! ...
Image by slworking2 via Flickr

Your employee’s are the building blocks to your companies success, and as an employee they do not always have the drive and motivation that you do. What can you do to put the spring in your employees step and have them motivated and (dare I say) happy to come to work everyday. Lets go:

1. Team Player

The first and a very important way to boost employee morale is to increase the sum of the entire parts, meaning everyone should be doing their fair share. Your star employee and your slacker in training do not see eye to eye, and if they are put on a project together or are working in close proximity to each other, there is a chance for the good guy to bring his work ethic down a notch. How do you increase team work? A great way to do this is to host an out of office meeting. Choose a place that is comfortable and casual. Have a theme for the meeting, have everyone assist in setting new work team goals or discuss a work project. By removing the work environment,  your employees will have an opportunity to get to know each other better and develop mutual respect. This will add cohesion to your team. What could be more motivating then working with or beside your new “friend”?

2. Spotlight Individuals

Okay, your new team is rocking it! Now it is time to shine the spotlight on that one individual who is doing more and giving everything they have to your company. How do you make one person shine brighter than the others, increasing the desire and motivation in others to also be shone upon? Begin by giving a group announcement about your key player to recognize exceptional service to your company, this may embarrass them but they will also feel proud. Use a board of some kind to post names and the recent achievements by your star players. This will enhance the skill of your dedicated peeps and inspire others to “make the board”.

3. Career Path

Do your employees know where they can go from “here”? An employee with a clear direction or vision of their future within your company will give their complete devotion to it. Have you ever worked at a place that was shady at best for foretelling what your future held for you if you remained with them or a company that promised everyone the same promotion? Me neither, but it sounds horrible doesn’t it? A great thing to do here is to choose successors or potentials and ask them where they would like to be in 5 years with the company. You also want to make sure they plan on staying with you as well. Then you can map out the course that their career can take with you. This leads us to our next motivating factor…

4. Education

Employees that are educated through a company feel a greater sense of loyalty and motivation to stay with and assist to improving it and helping the organization grow. Get your top players more education, but also give them choices. If you have someone heading down a sales path with you and they are interested in Human Resources encourage them to take courses in that. You never know how this can shape the future of your organization or how it can improve your sales team to have that knowledge. Educating your staff also lets them know you care enough about them to invest in their future.

5. Business Cards

This is often overlooked as a needless expense, but let us remember that the most important word that anyone can ever hear or see is their own name. You can buy a box of cards pretty inexpensively, they are a company write off as well as a valuable untapped resource. You will be building a stronger, motivated, committed team and more focused individual effort by implementing this strategy. Give them a title on the cards if you can and let them pass them out to customers and their friends, this could be a great source for repeat business and springing your employees step.

6. Say “Cheese”

If you have a day where you can gather your staff or gather the groups of individuals that work together, take a picture of your work team. Then take this picture that everyone thinks they look just awful in and post it somewhere. If you have a bulletin or a staff room wall, great. This will remind every one of work being a fun place and as your guessed it motivate them a little more to being at work.

8. Brilliantly Clean

A clean work environment, not only keeps your employees healthy but it also keeps them motivated because it shows them that you value them and their work space. Keep them healthy and happy! (Also think Scrub Masters)

Work is a place where most people (unfortunately) begrudgingly go to everyday. By utilizing a little of your time and a huge part of your creativity, work can be fun or even a great place to head off to everyday. Make the most of your employees that devote more than just their time to you and help to create an amazing team that enjoy working together and doing things well. Happy employees, equal happy customers, which equals increased profit, just in case you needed the motivation as well!

7 Ideas for Putting The Spring Back in Your Employees Step!

3 Reasons Steam Cleaning Your Carpets Increases Your Company`s Profits

dirty carpet poke
Image by 2is3 via Flickr

I am sure when you think of steam cleaning carpets, your heart begins to race and you become uncontrollably thrilled about the prospect of how thrilling it is. You are not alone on this. Steam cleaning is important, both for the carpets in your home and your place of business (which will be our focus today).

I have a confession to make here, I am on my second cup of coffee and I cannot get excited about steam carpet cleaning and all of its glory, but I am going to tell you why it is fabulous anyway. If I write an article and I do not even want to proofread it, that concerns me a little. How can I make steam cleaning more exciting, at least a little? Hmmm. We all like money right?

Here are 3 ways that steam cleaning your carpet will improve your company’s profit (assuming that you have clients or potential clients):

1. Viruses, bacteria, allergens,toxic substances, parasites. (Exciting right?!)

Here is the deal. Your shoes, the very nice ones that your feet are adorning right now, are really good at tracking things around for you. Anywhere that you were today, your carpets have also been. How does this improve your company profits? Really simply, those little friends that you have been tracking around with you all day are now in your place of business and can make you or your staff sick. By having your carpets steamed you are killing a cocktail of germs. In doing so, you are keeping your employees healthy AND working more productively because of this, which increases your profits. Yes!

2. Pretty Carpets=Pretty Profits

Your flooring reflects your business and creates a strong impression in your customers minds and in the attitude of your employees. It feels great to walk into a well-kept business and increases the confidence and trust levels for everyone involved. Steam cleaning your carpets, keeps them looking well maintained, making you more money. Really.

3. New Beginnings=New Attention from New Customers

I often notice that flooring can be overlooked in getting the attention and care that it deserves. No one expects it to be sparkling and shiny all of the time (although it does look nice when this is the case), but we do expect a level of care to have taken place. Sometimes, like in life we can let our carpets not receive the attention they deserve, either because we are too busy or it does not feel like a priority at the moment. Having your carpets steam cleaned can breathe new life into your carpets and put a facelift into the life of your business, hence new beginnings and new opportunities to make new clients.

Clean feels good. Try to, at the very least have your carpets steamed cleaned twice a year to breathe new life into your old carpets. Whether you want to take on this job yourself or hire a commercial cleaner (hint, hint think Scrub Masters) to steam life into your carpets, it is beneficial for your clients, your employees, you and of course your profits!

3 Reasons Steam Cleaning Your Carpets Increases Your Company`s Profits

5 Reasons a Cleaner Office Space Makes for Happier Employees

Office Space
Image by Legozilla via Flickr

Akin to a second home, your office is also where your heart is. Which is why having a clean office space is important for you and your employees. We all want to work at a place that is clean, free of dust and allergens (especially the sneezer types) and free of clutter. But why does having a clean office space make for happier employees (and clients) and how can you make yours a sparkling diamond today?

1. We’re in This Together

Creating a cleaner environment begins with everyone pitching in and pitching out. Starting with individual desks or office spaces have everyone (approved only after you say so, of course) throw or file neatly away outdated or irrelevant documents. Clutter begone! Ridding a space of extra papers that have little or no importance, helps to clear our minds as well. Clear minds=higher production, which come Friday is a beautiful thing as work becomes harder to concentrate on.

2. Out with The Old

I’m not referring to that person that really should have retired by now. I’m referring to the rate of technology and it’s ascendance into the outdated garbage pile. Old computers, printers, even desks; things that will either never revive after our technology shock or that you know (you do) that you are too busy to get to. Throw away old computers, unlike hairstyles they are never making a come back, but they ARE taking up valuable office space and have a negative, heavy energy to their presence. If you have old office furniture, there a plenty of new and budding entrepreneurs who could use it to start their dreams, consider donating it through any of the “pick up free” services or through kijiji. Removing such items will create new lift of energy, hello happier employees.

3. It’s a Wash

If you do not already have an office cleaning company (hint, hint), you may not have noticed the level of cleanliness (or maybe you have and it drives you crazy) in regards to your windows, doors and foyers. These areas are quiet dust and finger print collectors. It is almost as if you do not know you have a problem until it is so blazingly clear that you do. One day you are walking into your foyer (after you have completely uncluttered your office areas) and the level of grime smacks you in the face and you are ready for a cleaning intervention. It is important with these high traffic areas (both for your employees and clients) to have them washed down and disinfected at least weekly and a commercial cleaning company is generally hired for these services. This increases happiness levels, because if these areas are maintained it increases level of pride for the employee going to work and clients doing business at your location.

4. Kitchen, Bathroom and Floors Oh My

I probably do not need to mention the host of potential yuckiness deriving from regular cleaning of the kitchen areas, bathrooms and flooring. Most employees do not want the job of cleaning any of these, it  makes them look lower on the rank (even though they may be) and they may not do a very good job, leaving the rest of you susceptible to the germs that contaminate an office space. For these duties I would recommend a professional janitorial service. They will take care of the products needed to do the job properly, leaving your employees time to focus on the needs of your business. Clean bathrooms, kitchen and floors create strong impressions for everyone, little else needs to be said here.

5. Phones, Keyboards and Door Handles

People are either hyper aware or not awake at all when it comes to these areas needing disinfecting. This is the way of many germs and their transportation throughout your place of business, onto your steering wheel and all the way home. Again, most companies hire a janitorial service to rid them of these germ concerns. If you have your employees take care of this make sure that it is done weekly and this will greatly reduce the impact of spreading. If you hire an office cleaning company, make sure they agree with the level of importance in disinfecting your phones, keyboards and doors throughout your building. Healthy employees=happy employees.

Cleaner always equals happier.

For more information on this very exciting topic, make sure to check us out Scrub Masters Commercial Cleaning OR:

1. 6 Major Place Where Germs are Hiding in Your Office Building

2. 4 Reasons why a Clean Office=Awesomeness

3. Keeping Your Office Clean(er)

5 Reasons a Cleaner Office Space Makes for Happier Employees

5 Ways to Enhance Your Workday Fun-ness

lonely, unhappiness sp: tristeza, desânimo, de...
Image via Wikipedia

Work can be fun or completely unfun, depending on you. You can blame anything you want to blame in regards to a bad day or an un-enjoyable work life, but as with all things rolling downhill, you stand at the bottom of this one.

Let’s have more fun and enhance our workspace fun-ness:

1. Plug in

De-zombie your self. This is really not as easy as it sounds BUT when you walk through those beautiful doors at work be in that moment, not the ugh moment 2 seconds prior. Remember that you have had great times at work, with your colleges, project successes, fun customers; you HAVE had good times. When you go to work focus on the your achievements there and plug into that.

2. Unplug

We spend copious amounts of time on our electronic media devises, it is time to unplug. You can not have a fully functional day at work if you are on your Blackberry, nose deep in Facebook, twitter or LinkedIn. Yes, I know that all of those outlets seem more fun than being at work BUT  raises and promotions are pretty fun too!

3. Be in the Moment

Okay, you have plugged in and unplugged, NOW you can be in the moment. Enjoy it. Why is it that we always seem to be living in the past? How does this serve us at all? When you go to work, be there, really be there and you will be breathing new life into your work space. And this is fun because? You have to work or else you would not be there, so take the time to be there.

4. Do What You Love

Find a job or work environment that coincides with your passions. Do not be willing to settle. Write down a list of your passions, do this now. Things that make you smile. Where could you work, or what kind of business could you be in that would allow you to express your passions? You cannot have a bad day doing what you love. I love what I do and everyday I experience boundless amounts of energy because of this.

5. Be Nice To Your Boss

Okay maybe this is not fun but then why are you working for them? If you do not like your boss, then I really suggest that you find one you like and respect, you will be surprised at how much more enjoyable your day is, just based on that.

Life is about enjoying every moment, some of those moments happen at work, make the best of them or better yet enhance your workday fun-ness!

For more information to having more fun at work (like getting promoted) check out:

4 Strategies to Help You Get Promoted

5 Ways to Enhance Your Workday Fun-ness